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Timeline Vodcast: Racial Discrimination



Racial discrimination is a pervasive and persistent issue that affects individuals, communities, and societies worldwide.

It is defined as “any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin – United Nations

Racial discrimination takes many forms, including direct and indirect discrimination, systemic and institutional racism, and xenophobia.

Racism is prevalent in various aspects of society, including education, employment, criminal justice, sports, and entertainment. This is evident in some significant events in history, such as the apartheid in South Africa and the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Recent movements, including Black Lives Matter and the #MeToo Movement, also bring attention to the ongoing struggles of marginalized communities.

The UN has condemned racial discrimination in all its forms, emphasizing the need for governments and individuals to combat these issues.

The UN recommends education, dialogue, and policies promoting equality and inclusion as core values that people imbibe to create a better future and society. Encouraging representation and diversity in all aspects of society and holding individuals and institutions accountable for perpetuating racism and discrimination are crucial steps towards a more equitable world.

Join Today’s Timeline Episode as the discussions around Racial discrimination in all its forms are tabled, to promote a healthier society, where everyone thrives regardless of their race, colour, descent or nationality.

Lend your voice to the fight against Racial Discrimination.

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