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Timeline Vodcast | Global Teachers Shortage



The global shortage of qualified teachers has reached a critical point, with UNESCO projecting the need for 44 million new teachers by 2030 to achieve universal education goals. In this episode of Timeline, we delve into the history, causes, and impacts of this pressing issue.

Explore how past crises, such as post-World War II and the expansion of universal primary education, shaped global responses to teacher shortages and how these lessons can inform today’s strategies. From low salaries and overwhelming workloads to inadequate professional development, we unpack the challenges driving educators out of classrooms.

Join us as we examine the far-reaching consequences of these shortages: overcrowded classrooms, diminished education quality, and the ripple effects on students and society. We’ll also highlight solutions, from raising teacher salaries and improving working conditions to fostering innovative training and retention programs.

This episode is a call to action for policymakers, educators, and communities alike to address the teacher shortage and secure the future of education for all. #TeachersMissing