Timeline Vodcast: Downside of Social Media
There are 5.17 billion total social media users worldwide as of today. The average person uses over 6 different social networks per month. As of January 2024, the average daily usage of social media is 2 hours and 23 minutes.
62.3% of the world’s population uses social media, which is evidently more than half of the world’s population.
There are lots of opportunities that comes with the usage of social media, if used appropriately to connect, interact and engage. Social media presents numerous benefits and opportunities to individuals, communities, small and large businesses alike.
The world had never experienced such ease in communication, marketing and amplification of positive news, products and services like in this era of social media.
Despite the numerous advantages of connecting via social media, there so many downsides which requires attention. First and foremost is the fact that social media is addictive, and the more time spent on social media can lead to a lot of negative exposures such as cyberbullying, cyber-stalking, fake news, isolation, family neglect, privacy concerns, social anxiety, depression and exposure to contents that is not age appropriate.
Governments, communities and individuals have raised serious concerns about the downsides of social media and there had been constant calls for strict regulations, restrictions and protections of users.
This episode of Timeline addresses the core concerns of using social media and also maintains a balance with the positives. Join the conversation, respectively.