The world is facing an unprecedented food crisis, with Africa bearing the brunt of the devastating consequences. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization...
In the ever evolving landscape of modern medicine, robotic surgery has emerged as a revolutionary force, transforming the way medical professionals approach complex procedures. This minimally...
The usually tranquil landscape of Borno state in Nigeria has been transformed into a scene of utter devastation with recent floods leaving trails of destruction, displacing...
The Federal Government of Nigeria, through the Ministry of Education, has recently directed that only candidates aged 18 and above be admitted into universities. According to...
June 26 is the International Day Against Drug Abuse. This year’s theme “The Evidence is Clear: Invest in Prevention” is a powerful theme that not only...
In the depths of society, countless individuals bear invisible wounds caused by one of humanity’s darkest practices- Torture. Torture is a scourge that affects millions across...
Resurgence of Diphtheria: A Growing Public Health Concern Diphtheria, A preventable disease once largely controlled through vaccination has re-emerged, sparking a significant public health concern. A...