In the depths of society, countless individuals bear invisible wounds caused by one of humanity’s darkest practices- Torture. Torture is a scourge that affects millions across...
Cholera, an acute diarrheal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water, is spreading widely in Nigeria, a country dealing with major public health issues....
Malaria, a life-threatening disease caused by parasites transmitted through mosquito bites, poses a grave threat on the African continent. As one of the most malaria-endemic countries...
Across continents and cultures, all humans, regardless of race, or nationality need food to survive. But despite this universal truth, millions of individuals around the world...
In a time when the world is more interconnected than ever, the spread of fake news presents a risk that threatens the basis of our common...
Everywhere around the world, gender-based violence (GBV) remains a horrible reality. This pervasive human rights issue that surpasses national and cultural boundaries is one of the...
It is often remarked that most African countries appear to bear on their shoulders the highest share of the world’s problems, and of a truth, a...
When we hear Tourism, the first thing that comes to mind is a getaway, vacation, or sightseeing. Many individuals travel the world not only to study...
In this present day and time, there are no limits to what people can do to secure excellent healthcare services anywhere. Apart from the fact that...
The complexities of the human body is one of the exceptional miracles of nature. However, even the most perfected and optimal systems can malfunction. Most people...